Students Traumatized in Special Education Across America, Seclusion, Restraint, and Aversives

Students Traumatized in Special Education Across America, Seclusion, Restraint, and Aversives – For over a decade, the United States Health & Human Services Department’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has recognized that seclusion and restraint are traumatic NOT therapeutic.  Mental health experts have developed tools and protocols that have successfully helped […]

Unexpected spaces of confinement: Aversive technologies, intellectual disability, and ‘‘bare life’’

Unexpected spaces of confinement: Aversive technologies, intellectual disability, and ‘‘bare life’’ – Giorgio Agamben describes the ‘‘camp’’ as the ‘‘zone of indistinction between law and violence’’ where bodies located in exceptional spaces are stripped of citizenship rights and embody ‘‘bare life.’’ We deploy Agamben’s analysis to the context of the everyday violence of aversive […]

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