Psychological Impact on Adult Women Who Attended a Therapeutic Boarding School – Adolescence is viewed as a significant time of developmental growth and self-exploration (Gilligan, 1982; Newman & Newman, 2009). In his model of eight stages of psychosocial development, psychologist Erik Erikson (1968) described adolescence as a natural phase of increased conflict characterized by a fluctuation in ego strength complemented by a high growth potential. He explained that this stage stimulates dormant anxiety and creates new conflict but also supports new and expanded confidence in searching for and interaction with new opportunities and associations. Challenges may occur, however, when this stage of growth is disrupted by an enforced transition to long-term residential treatment, where the adolescent is separated from family, peers, and familiar social environments. For the purpose of this study, the term therapeutic boarding school (TBS) is defined as a long-term residential program that houses adolescent females from ages 13-18 years with a minimum stay of 12 months and offers intensive psychological counseling and academic services